Welshmasters 22 #3

Posted: May 29, 2022 in Uncategorized

Friday rolled around and the journey to the Welsh began. It was a super chilled trip, chatting all kind’s of gaming nonsense with Glenn. Good job the trip was smooth as we had these onboard!

The rest of the day was spent catching up with various people we hadn’t seen for a long time, and one quick warm up game between us.

This was the first time I’d put this list on the table. Glenn and I had discussed the whole Rhyas threat thing on her feat turn, so it was a bit of a surprise when Glenn put his caster near the objective, with a 30mm gap where Rhyas could land.
It seemed rude not to try the assassination, and after lot’s of Raptor and Craelix shooting for chip damage, Rhyas charged the objective, jumped behind it and killed his caster in three hits (no crits sadly).

After more chatting, a couple of beers we headed back to the AirBnB, which was only a 15 min walk away and very comfy, for a chilled evening before the ‘real’ games began.

Welsh Masters 22 #2

Posted: May 17, 2022 in Uncategorized

Build Up
So with two weeks to go before the welsh I decided it was time to start painting!
I’ve always tried to take fully painted lists to big two day events, and to be honest without them the majority of my stuff would still be undercoated!

I picked two lists were the majority of stuff was already painted, and finally settled on adding 11 new models to the painted list. I managed this, finishing on the Tuesday evening before.

So that’s a second Hellmouth, Chosen, Thagrosh 0 and a mekanoshredder for those keeping score!

My lists for the weekend were :-

[Theme] Ravens of War
[Rhyas 1] Rhyas, Sigil of Everblight [+30]
Golab [15]
Seraph [13]
Zuriel [16]
Succubus [2]
Annyssa Ryvaal [7]
Blighted Nyss Sorceress & Hellion [0(6)]
Craelix, Fang of Everblight [0(5)]
Feralgeist [2]
Blighted Nyss Raptors (max) [15]
Blighted Nyss Raptors (max) [15]
Hellmouth [6]
Hellmouth [6]
Strider Scouts [8]
Strider Scout Officer & Musician [0(4)]

[Theme] Primal Terrors

[Anamag 1] Anamag the Doom Feaster [+27]
Blightbringer [30]
Golab [15]
Ammok the Truthbearer [3]
Thagrosh Hellborne [0(5)]
Mekanoshredder [4]
Warmonger War Chief [0(4)]
Blighted Ogrun Warmongers (min) [7]
Blighted Ogrun Warmongers (max) [11]
Gorag Rotteneye [0(4)]
Chosen of Everblight (max) [20]
Hellmouth [6]
Hellmouth [6]

The basic plan was to drop Rhyas into Hordes, Anamag into Warmachine or when I wasn’t sure what to use. I’m sure you can guess which list got played most!

Welsh Masters 22 #1

Posted: May 16, 2022 in Uncategorized

Well, it’s been a while hasn’t it? Lot’s of real world stuff that I think we shall just gloss over, and get on with some good old wargaming nonsense… let’s hope we can continue the road to what we all assumed was normal… whatever that was!

The weekend just gone saw the long anticipated return of the Welsh Masters for Warmachine and hordes. It was back under the steady stewardship of Martyn Jenkins and crew, at the shiny new Firestorm Games in Cardiff.

The new venue is really nice, lot’s of natural light and a nice high ceiling for an airy feel. Good AC that kept most of the tables cool enough, but some were cooler than others in truth.

The shop area is great, with good stocks of most games, including WMH and Riot Quest. Maybe not everything you need, but a good level of most factions on show.

The bar and food were good, if a touch basic. The only option for coffee was a machine, and it was the slowest machine I’ve ever used!

A few of the tables are challenged for space for all the widgets we games like to use, but the majority were great, and there were plenty spare chairs to take up the slack.

As I’m sure you would a agree a great space to play games in.